thoughts on Faith, Patriotism, and other stuff

"a place to converse without driving my wife crazy on our Facebook page"

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Where did the dignity go?

Several months ago Anderson Cooper of CNN used the euphamism "teabagger" when referring to members of the Tea Party movement. It naturally drew some tee hees from the media and a few other outlets picked up on the term. I had hoped at the time it would just kind of fade away but unfortunately it became more and more mainstream. Eventually elected Democrats started using the sexual innuendo and now it has finally reached the top. President Obama uses the term during an interview for the new book "The Promise:President Obama, Year One"
This is either a case of how far we as a country have slid down the slippery slope or a glimpse of the true character of our Commander-in-Chief. Could be a mix of both.
In a quote that has often been attributed to Ruth Graham..."If God doesn't judge America, He will need to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah."

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