thoughts on Faith, Patriotism, and other stuff

"a place to converse without driving my wife crazy on our Facebook page"

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Good Daddy, Green Daddy

This past Fathers Day President Obama unveiled yet another government initiative called "Take Time to be a Dad Today" and can be found at . Now I am all for helping fathers be better Dads, but is this really a role and responsibility of the federal government? What infurites me is that it is also another shameless agenda push. On the website there is a section with tips for Dads and the following are actual quotes that I cut and pasted from the website(emphasis mine):

Earth-friendly cleaning products are widely available and are kinder to our air and water. Or you can make your own cleaning supplies with white vinegar, lemons, baking soda, and other basics you probably have in your kitchen already.

Leaving the car at home will reduce carbon emissions and you will add exercise to your day without even trying.

Visit a farmers market or farm where you can pick your own produce. Locally grown fruits and vegetables do not need to be shipped, which contributes to reducing carbon emissions

Buy compact florescent light (CFL) bulbs, which last about 5 years and use less energy. Switching just one standard bulb to a CFL can help you reduce your electricity bill by as much as 75 cents per month (truth: last about the same amount of time as regular bulbs and leave you with a mercury filled piece of waste that is even more dangerous to the environment if not disposed of properly)

In 2008, Americans spent nearly $11 billion on more than 8 billion gallons of bottled water, and then tossed more than 22 billion empty plastic bottles in the trash. Instead of buying bottled water, use a water filter on your tap and keep a pitcher of filtered water in your refrigerator to fill a reusable bottle (isn't it interesting that the governement is in charge of making sure our drinking water is safe and yet they tell you to filter it!)

Now I already do alot of the things listed and more, in fact I consider myself an "eco-conservative". These things we should do as stewards of the earth God gave us, not as the evidence of good fatherhood. In a time when our President continues to state that we are in unprecedented fiscal tiems, do we really need to be spending precious tax-payer dollars on bogus, overreaching initiatives that are just disguised agenda movers?
If you want to be a responsible father whose impact will last for generations, raise your children in Godly home. Be a God Dad, before you are a Green Dad.

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